Monopoly Challenge

Monopoly Challenge

Event registration closes on 2nd May.


{{ }} - £{{ formatMoney(company.totalRaised) }} raised for the Whitechapel Mission.
Team Names Points Total Raised Icon Sponsor Last Location
 {{ }}
{{ }}
{{ team.points }} £{{ formatMoney(team.total_raised) }} Icon for {{ }} Sponsor Team   {{ }}


The Challenge

A photo of your team at each location, clearly showing the 4 of you and some form of identification mark for the Monopoly Square. A street or station sign. Once photos are uploaded to the Mission, they will be verified and points awarded as the team moves about the city.

The Rules

We need a photo of the whole of your team at each location, clearly showing all members of your team, your ID poster and some kind of identification mark for the location. (A street or station sign.)

The Points

Double points for the first team to land on any given property.
Extra points for visiting a colour block simultaneously
Extra points for imagination
Extra points for passing a jail (just visiting)

A Possible Route

How many of the monopoly squares can you and your team visit in a 4 hour period? It is possible to walk the 12 miles in just 5 hours, but we are allowing only 4 hours.

A Route A Route

How many of the monopoly squares can you and your team visit in a 4 hour period? It is possible to walk the 12 miles in just 5 hours, but we are allowing only 4 hours. So, you can walk, jump the tube, or grab some Boris bikes.


Total raised so far: £11,086.47


19 teams registered.

5 available team spaces.

    Top fundraising company:

    Livingston Building Services

Top five fundraising teams:

  • 33 OBS Team 3
  • 33 OBS Team 2
  • 33 OBS Team 1
  • Bow Street Runners
  • The Landlord's Game



Support the homeless by taking on what we describe as a fun day. We ask you to consider setting up a Stewardship and rasie money for our work. Every penny raised will ensure that food remains available to all and without charge.

Fundraise Fundraise

Support the homeless by taking on what we describe as a fun day. We ask you to consider setting up a Investmy Community page and rasie money for our work. Every penny raised will ensure that food remains available to all and without charge.

Fundraise Fundraise

Support the homeless by taking on what we describe as a fun day. We ask you to consider setting up a Justgiving page and rasie money for our work. Every penny raised will ensure that food remains available to all and without charge.

Fundraise Fundraise